What fun we had on our honeymoon!
It actually began here in Vermont while taking my son Christopher to the Burlington airport by way of Long Trail, Otter Creek and Magic Hat Breweries. We started around 11:00 and sampled pretty much everything we could get our hands on before he had to catch the flight at 2:30. I think for him, Long Trail's Double Bag was the winner. It was a lot of fun and I think he was pretty relaxed by the time he boarded his plane.
As for Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, we headed off to Maine and decided to extend our beer sampling to that fair state also.
We started in Portland at Sebago Brewing Company http://www.sebagobrewing.com/brews.php
where we really enjoyed Frye's Leap IPA and their Midnight Porter. Their glasses were really cool so we bought two of them also.
Next we ended up in a bar during their open mic night http://www.thedogfishcompany.com/ and stayed probably too long trying all kinds of new (to us) local brews. They had a really cool looking glass also, and after much coaxing on Glenn's part, they agreed to sell us one.
I think that evening started the pattern.
We left Portland and went to Hermit Island campground on Casco Bay in Phippsburg, Maine where we stayed that night.
The next day we decided to go up to Acaida National Park. That night we went
into Bar Harbor and happened upon their oldest microbrewery Bar Harbor Brewing Co.
I thought their Blueberry Wheat was yummy and Glenn really liked Thunder Hole Ale.
We found out that they had recently been bought by another local brewery, Atlantic Brewing, and needless to say, we knew we were going to have to find them and sample, sample, sample!
Meanwhile we were staying here -
And seeing sights like this-

We finally found Atlantic Brewing Co. http://www.atlanticbrewing.com/index.php and could of taken a tour through the facility, but being from Vermont, we were pretty sure we knew how beer was made, and we opted to sit outside and sample their beer instead. SOB (special old bitter) was a hit! We left with two more glasses and a case of Mount Desert Island Ginger to take back to the campsite.
When we got back to Portland, we spotted Gritty McDuff's
http://www.grittys.com/ptld.html#brewery and sat down to a sampler of seven of their finest.
Their Halloween and Black Fly Stout were fabulous. We also left with another glass.
Last on the Campbell honeymoon beer tour was D.L.Geary
http://gearybrewing.com/pages/home.php. If you go to their website you will notice a strong resemblance to our honeymoon suite. We headed back to Vermont with a six pack of their Autumn Ale and another glass, an education in Maine microbreweries (and a cold for me).
We want you all to know, that in between all the beer drinking , eating seafood and making goo-goo eyes at each other from across a campfire, the conversation kept coming back to how darn lucky we are to have such wonderful people in our lives.
We are glad to be home.
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